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运动APP开发 武汉一高校推行跑步APP 使用情况计入体育成绩
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A university in Wuhan, Hubei province, recently launched a fitness app to encourage students to exercise, the Paper reported on Wednesday.


  Hubei University of Economics requires its students to run at least 30 times a semester, and only one record each day will be added to undergraduate’s PE result.


  For freshman and sophomore students, their running record will account for 30 percent of PE result. Junior students have to finish the required running times before they take the physical fitness test.


  From 6 am to 10 pm, students can sign in the app that will give them two fixed sites according to their location in the campus. Students can get a record after they clock in the two set sites.


  Data shows that 11,000 students are using the app and the average mileage has reached 10 kilometers from October 16 to 26.


  Cui Gaoyuan, director dean of sports economics and management school, told the Paper, the university launched the app in order to encourage students to exercise more and form a good habit.


  Liu Yue, a student from school of journalism, who runs at least three kilometers a day, said, "The record is related to our results, so it is good to encourage us to do exercise."

  新闻专业的学生刘越每天都至少打卡跑步3公里,他说, “跑步记录与体育结果挂钩后,可以督促我们锻炼身体。”

  Li Yongen, a student from sports management major, said, "I run and go to gym four or five times a week. I think running to fulfill tasks may influence exercise quality."


  Cui said students will fail if they are found cheating in running.

